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5 Quotes That Explain How We Feel About Adulting

Life is a soup and I'm a fuckin fork

Quotes explain how we feel about adulting. In fact, here are 5 quotes that explain how we feel about adulting pretty much to the t, because sometimes a picture can describe it better than we can, not to mention, we’re more than likely drunk from a long, day or years, of being trapped in a world where we’re expected to be super cool, always organized, always got your shit together adults. And, we fail, a lot at it.


Remember when you were like “I can’t wait to be an adult”, and you were all excited about turning 18? Well, no one warned us about this Adulting shit, and here we are, all grown up, tripping, stumbling and adulting all over ourselves.

Quotes Explain How We Feel About Adulting

Except, now that I’m an adult, I’m also severely allergic to running, so, I guess this option is out.

Quotes Explain How We Feel About Adulting

Yes, life is so awkward, and often humiliating, and definitely separated by snacks. A lot of snacks. Almost too many snacks judging by the way my jeans barely fit. Oh, and wine  water…

Quotes Explain How We Feel About Adulting

Which is why we are strong advocates for the things in life that require you to be lazy.   Being lazy doesn’t usually give you reason to hurt your back, it only helps you relax and soothe your mind. We support it.

Quotes Explain How We Feel About Adulting

And, tomorrow doesn’t look good either. Sorry, not sorry.


These 5 quotes about adulting  are on point. Any adult that tells you being an adult is awesome, is being paid to say it. I mean of course it has it’s perks (vodka), but it’s really just a scam, and we’re still waiting on the line to speak to management, because… we would like a refund. Check back tomorrow, and definitely later for more quotes about adulting, because…LIFE.

Quotes Explain How We Feel About Adulting