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7 Ways to Glow Up During the Covid-19 Quarantine

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7 Ways to Glow Up During Covid-19 Quarantine - The Bed Head Society

Ways to Glow Up During the Covid-19 Quarantine

Let’s talk about ways to glow up during the Covid-19 quarantine. So, the Covid-19 quarantine has us all up in arms right now! For us Introverts, being “forced” to work from home is more like a blessing than a curse. While the more extroverted entrepreneurs are feeling a heavy case of cabin fever. But, no matter you’re your personality type, these unprecedented circumstances have pushed us all into a new normal where panic, fear and even a slight depression can set in. The quarantine may have you feeling a heavy case of boredom or maybe you’re feeling bouts of anxiety that make you feel like you need to be doing all the things. Or maybe, you’re just feeling like you don’t know WTF to do other than “nothing” right now.

Sound familiar?

We totally get it!

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Unfortunately, I spent the first week of the Covid-19 quarantine confined to my bed because I was suffering from what felt like the worst sinus infection ever. (the word infection is on my “ewe” list). After getting my energy back, I decided that I wasn’t going to get bogged down by the negativity of social distancing and instead use this as an opportunity to beat the Coronavirus and come out looking and feeling better than before.

Here are 7 practices that will help you glow up during the Covid-19 quarantine.
Keep reading to get all the details.

7 Ways to Glow Up During the Covid-19 Quarantine


1. Relax and Invest in Rest:

get sleep - glow up during covid-19 quarantine

It feels like everyone online has been pushing the message that right now is the time to GET YOUR BUSINESS STARTED AND YOUR ENTIRE LIFE TOGETHER! Well, we call bullshit! Sometimes, the most productive thing you can do is nothing at all. If you’re feeling tired or find yourself staring at your laptop feeling a sense of “I don’t want to do this” then it’s okay to just stop and rest. Take some time to sleep in, or simply do nothing at all until you feel energized and yourself again. Getting a sufficient amount of rest is also vital in keeping your immune system in check and helping you to regain your energy. So, throw on your sleep mask, comfy pajamas and get some sleep or much-needed rest. We promise you’ll still be a badass when you wake up.

2. Limit News and Social Media:

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Now is not the time to continue to let fear-mongering drive you to a place of panic. Is it important to know what’s going on? Sure. But if you’re feeling your mood shift from hopeful to hopeless whenever you watch the news…TURN THE SHIT OFF! We don’t need to see another empty grocery store aisle or hear another uncomfortable story about what the government is or is not doing to help.
The same goes for your social media. Everyone is trying to find answers right now. But not all shared info is healthy or even true for that matter. If you’re noticing your timeline is filled with Covid-19 stories and constant rants from Negative Nancy, maybe it’s best you stop your scroll and focus on social media posts that empower or uplift you. Try apps like Fabulous to help you focus on self-care and positivity instead.

3. Breathe and Meditate: Glow Up During Covid-Quarantine

Meditating - glow up during covid-19 quarantine - the bed head society

Sometimes our bodies just need to reset. Taking 15 to 20 minutes to pray and meditate every morning while focusing on your breathing is a great way to keep a clear headspace and start the day with a positive mindset. Incorporating meditation into my day has seriously helped me to feel a sense of calm in a time where everyone seems to be filled with panic. Meditation is all about focusing the mind on a particular object, thought or activity. So set your timer for 15 minutes in a quiet place and take quiet your mind long enough to focus on the good. If you’re someone who has trouble meditating, take advantage of apps like Calm or Sanity and Self to help you get in your zone.

4. Workout and Move Your Body at Home:

working out - glow up during the covid=19 quarantine


I know being stuck at home and not being able to go to the gym feels like the perfect opportunity to veg out and plant yourself horizontally in front of the television. Hell, we even condone it…in moderation though. See, here’s the thing. Staying sedentary will take you from feeling good to feeling shitty real quick. Use this extra time as an opportunity to start that workout plan you’ve been avoiding and glow up during the Covid-19 quarantine. Take a healthy walk outside, follow a workout app like Wakeout (fun workouts for busy people) or jump on a workout bike to break a sweat. You have all the time you need right now to start working on your badass business babe bod. No excuses.

5. Hydrate and Take Your Vitamins:

vitamins - glow up during covid-19 quarantine

One of the ways to glow up during the Covid-19 Quarantine is all about staying hydrated. Also, not to sound like your mom, but take your vitamins! It’s been interesting to see that while all of the toilet paper, canned goods and water are completely void in stores, the vitamin aisle has stayed relatively full. Um, not smart. If you want to fully protect yourself against the Coronavirus, you need to start with a healthy immune system. My go-to vitamins are Immunity Daily Liquid Vitamins and for an immune system boost, I go to Elderberry tea. Also, don’t forget to keep your hands washed and stop touching your face!

6. Start a Productive Habit:

be more productive - ways to glow up during covid-19 quarantine

Remember all the times you complained about not having time to start a new habit or get more productive? Well, with literally nothing but time being granted to you, you have no excuse. Use this opportunity to finally start a habit or routine to help boost your productivity. Focusing on new habits while quitting bad ones is a great way to glow up during the Covid-19 quarantine and come out feeling like a badass. Take on a project like organizing your home office, clean out your closet and sell your unwanted clothes, start a new book, create your social media content calendar or catch up on your Insta stories. The number of productive habits you can start right now is endless and all worth it.

Side Note:*Creating your own content calendar can be super time consuming and overwhelming at a time like this. If you need help, we got you!  Check out our Insta 365 program with a done for you content calendar system here. 

7. Self-Care and Chill: 

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You know when it comes to practicing self-care, I’m all for it. With most businesses shut down right now I’m sure your normal beauty regimen has been fully compromised. Within the next few weeks, everyone’s true hair color will be apparent, eyebrows will be grown out and nails will be snagging in our ponytails. It’s not pretty. Therefore, using this time to beautify yourself is vital only during this time. You can get creative and practice some beautifying self-care while you catch up on some chill time. Binge-watch your favorite Netflix show while giving yourself a stress-free mask. Listen to an empowering podcast while you give yourself a home mani-pedi, dye your roots while you journal, or deep condition your locks overnight while you sleep. Invest in yourself and during this time, and show people that the glow up is real!

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Wrapping it Up: 7 Ways to Glow Up During the Covid-19 Quarantine

With these 7 tips, you have more than enough ways to glow up during the Covid-19 quarantine and come out looking like a new woman. As I see it, you have two choices, let fear take over and immobilize you or use this as an opportunity to come out better than before. Taking the time to practice self-care and focus on staying positive is the best way to remain motivated and empowered during a time that feels out of our control and uncertain. Just remember, no matter how it may feel now, this is a temporary situation. In order to stay on top of the game, take this time to glow up and come out of this situation looking and feeling like the badass boss that you are.

What are some ways that you’re practicing self-care to glow up during the Covid-19 quarantine? Comment and let us know below.